Heave away and haul away mo chara
Heave away beyond this raging tide
And when we hear the oarsmen singing land ahoy
Heave a sigh
When we reach the swells out there across the water
Far beyond the foam we rise and fall
Let mercy be the wave that takes us home
so lets row row row
And chase the moon Chase the moon Chase the moon Chase the moon
So Lets heave away and haul away mo chara
Heave away and soon we’ll touch the sky
We’ll raise the oars on high we’re coming home
So lets row row row
Chase the moon chase the moon chase the moon Chase the moon
Lets chase the moon chase the moon chase the moon.
deep into your eyes
the fear you no longer hide
deep inside
let me take you now
and natures fickle breath upon your brow
wear it as your crown
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Lets chase the moon chase the moon chase the moon chase the moon
Lets chase the moon chase the moon chase the moon chase the moon
Lets heave away and haul away
A river rolls on Mike Hanrahan 2021
A river rolls on to the sea
Far away the high mountain stream
To that place where you long to be now
A river rolls on to the sea
Down through the hills and the glade
You roll on through the sunshine and rain
Round the oak, and the willow you came
Even the birds sing your name
They’re singing a song for you now
In their hearts you forever live on and on
They sing of your grace and their joy
As you gently go rollin by
With a tear and a smile
Where the river falls to the sea
By a shoreline ocean breeze
Its there you will set your heart free
Where the river falls to the sea
Go now your time here is done
Time to stop lingering on and on
You’ll see feel that soft ocean breeze
Where the river falls to the sea
Where you long to be now
Roll on roll on roll on roll on
One day we will be with you there
to breathe in the salt and the air
and remember the moments we shared
so go set your sail
and sail away sail away sail away sail away
Go now your time here is done
Time to stop lingering on and on
You’ll soon see feel that soft ocean breeze
Where the river falls to the sea
We’re singing this song for you now
in our hearts you forever live on and on
we sing of your grace and your joy
as you gently go rolling by
with a tear and a smile
roll on by roll on roll on roll on
A river rolls on to the sea
A river rolls on to the sea
A river rolls on to the sea
And a river falls to the sea
you know - OTHER SONGS
Rose Stocktons Wing
You Know
Firefighter |
Garden Of Roses |
White Vapour Trail |
Cradled in Your Arms |
No One living Here |
Falling Down |
Streets of the City |
Today |
From The Blue |
Indians and Aliens |
Away From Love |
Affair |
we had
it all |
Walk Away |
Rose Stocktons Wing
Some Fools Cry |
When You Smiled |
Angel |
Blackhill |
Chasing Down A Rainbow |
Lonesome Road |
You Know - Crooked Rose Index
Firefighter (m.hanrahan)
This song was written a few
weeks after my dad died from a long painful illness.
This song was written a few
weeks after my dad died from a long painful illness.
Its not a depressing song by any means. It realises that we do need
help from time to time and there is no shame in crying out for it. My
dads final and ultimate gift was to show us that there is great
honour and real pride in preserving ones dignity as we face the inevitable
and deal with the pain it brings. He was a great man. Firefighter is the
corner stone of the CD. I like the production and in particular Garvan
Galaghers groove on the Bass. There is a lot of discussion going
on between several guitars and the fiddle. I am also very pleased with
the vocal. I think dad would be happy with this one.
fire fighter wont you come
and take my pain away
fire fighter bring me water
dampen down the flame
this old house is burnin down
in ashes I will lay
firefighter bring me water
help me rise again
Take away the sad and lonely
all the trouble that surrounds me
fire fighter
sailor boy hoist your sails
take me far away
far away from stormy weather
thats comin down my way
with a wind so high
On the waves well ride
across the ocean wide
sailor boy man that riggin
lets leave this place behind
you take away the sad and lonely
all the trouble that surrounds me
sailor boy
farmer john plough your fields
bring the seed to grain
feed the hungry
fill the belly
of the traveller as he sails
a weary heart and a tired soul
will try come what may
farmer john plough your fields
help him on his way
take away the sad and lonely
all the trouble that surrounds him
take away the sad and lonely
all the trouble that surrounds him
Fire fighter wont you come
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
2. Garden Of Roses (m.hanrahan)
This song may be a little dark
but its a salute to all those people on their own individual journey
to Healing. I had to write this song and I am very proud of the effort.
Having grown up in an Ireland renowned for casting shadows rather than
light its a comfort that we are now coming to terms with our faults
and fears but most of all our ability to shine. Rod Callan, our engineer,
worked so hard on this track along with Sonny to give the Lyric and music
its full voice. Its a great mix.
In The garden of roses
Where you came by
Beautiful roses
The eyes of a child
In Your secret desire
You cut it all down
Now petals lay scattered
on tainted ground
in the garden of roses
beautiful roses
how your temple has fallen
The walls cave in
we witness the sanctum
in their evil sin
but a river once frozen
deep in the mind
flows on like a river should
in the eyes of a child
in a garden of roses
beautiful roses
in the garden of roses
where you came by
In the Garden of Roses
beautiful roses
In the Garden of Roses
A river once frozen
Down deep in the mind
Flows on like a river should
In the eyes of a child
In the garden of roses
Beautiful roses
In the garden of roses
Beautiful roses
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
3. White Vapour Trail (s.
Sonny and I have been neighbours
for a good few years. This song just happened as we made our way through
the CD and I love the end product. It seems a very retro sound with Steves
guitar and Sonny on that keyboard sound that reminds me so much of that
movie Barbarella. We had a lot of fun with this song. Eddies percussion
is a treat.
Flying over suburban clover
staring up to the sun
far below me fading ,all the things that make me run
here its all so distant thin air of a dream
out here no resistence nothing up above me
Come on come ride the white
vapour trail
cut into the blue and fade away burst into the sun
Little people little houses
caught up in a web of light
just a feeling of falling far out of sight
then you come to meet me hold me in your arms
into the dream you take me way up to the stars
Come on come ride the white vapour trail
cut into the blue and fade away burst into the sun
Come on come ride the white
vapour trail
cut into the blue and fade away
Come on come ride the white vapour trail
cut into the blue and fade away
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
4. Cradled in Your Arms
Donna, my wonderful wife, suggested
I write a song about coming home because I delight in the notion of coming
home. I like to travel but theres nothing like the feeling you get
when you turn the key on your own hall door. Cradled in your arms is a
very warm, safe and comforting expression.
Cradled in your arms happy
to know you
happy to love you to believe in you
cradled in your arms happy to need you
Happy that you need me too to believe in you
drivin through the wind and
heading back home again
all I want is to be with you
and the closer i get to you
Gone are these lonesome blues
all I need is to be with you
Cradled in your arms happy
to know you
happy to love you and to be with you
Cradled in your arms happy to need you
happy that you need me too to believe in you
you keeping me warm inside
no more lonely nights
Its the little things that you do
whenever I go away
all through those lonely days
all i want is to be with you
Cradled in your arms happy
to know you
happy to love you and to be with you
Cradled in your arms happy to need you
happy that you need me too to believe in you
Drivin through the wind and
headin back home again
all I want is to be with you
Cradled in your arms happy
to know you
happy to love you and to be with you
Cradled in your arms happy to need you
happy that you need me too to believe in you
Cradled in your arms happy to know you
happy to love you and to be with you
Cradled in your arms happy to need you
happy that you need me too to believe in you
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
5. No One living Here
(b.graham/m.hanrahan - Acorn Music)
Brendan and I wrote this song
based on memories and images from our past.
I think this song deals with the frustration of memory. Memory is not
tangible but exists only in the rooms of our subconscious. The house in
question still exists but is inhabited only by the ghosts of memory. Still
its nice to have good memories. Co-writing with Brendan was a very
fruitful experience. I know this song touches so many people and I regard
that as the greatest compliment I can receive as a writer.
I love the simplicity of Siards emotive fiddle on this track.
Tonight Im back in the
house where I used to be
Its empty now, just a roof and four walls
No smiling face, no arms to gather me
Like she did when I was small
Now no ones living here at all
In this room every night shed
kneel and pray with me
Then tip-toe out and leave a light in the hall
I hear her still in the rooms of my memory
Always the answer to my call
But no ones living here at all
I could have been back so many
all through her twilight years
But I was busy building up my life
While hers was disappearing
As I leave I turn, but shes
not standing there
Waving goodbye, just like I recall
Too late to say all the things that I should have said
That light is gone forever from the hall
Now no ones living here at all
I could have been back so many
All through her twilight years
But I was busy building up my life
While hers was disappearing
Tonight Im back in the
house where I used to be
Its empty now, just a roof and four walls
No smiling face, no arms to gather me
Like she did when I was small
Now no ones living her at all
No ones living here at all
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
6. Falling Down (m.hanrahan)
Watching TV one evening I switched
channels and saw missiles shooting into the dark sky and then realised
I was watching a war somewhere in another part of our planet. Camera angles,
commentators, panel experts and hit ratios. I thought at that point we
had finally lost the plot. My thinking has not changed much. Sonnys
daughter Gina sings with me on this song and I like to think that she
represents the next generation and I hope they have better luck and do
a better job than we have done.
Were shooting arrows into the
Digitally programmed to destroy
Hundreds and thousands of lives
Can you imagine all those people
Yes Our world is falling down
Falling down falling down
How our world is falling down
falling down falling down
Before we get to where we dream
Save a moment for our grief
this was never meant to be
weve finally turned crazy
Our world is falling down
Falling down falling down
How our world is falling down
Falling down falling down
And as we look deep into the
Do we salute what weve become?
Gods greatest creation
Almost done
Our world is falling down
Falling down falling down
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
7. Streets of the City
(m. hanrahan)
A few years ago Paddy O Gorman
on Irish radio aired a programme called "Queuing for a Living"
dealing with addicts at a centre in Dublin city, which they referred to
as the night train. The song has been hanging around in one form or another
for some time and I am delighted that I finally got it finished. This
was originally called "queuing for a living" but the title never
seemed to fit or match the sentiment. Steves guitar is great here
and he really captures the mood with the solo. Siard and I had a good
time with the mandola and high string guitar. I really like this track.
I ride the night train
I ride all the way
all the way to nowhere
things could be better now
far far better
if I ever really get there
but I wake up from my bed of yesterdays news
find my way to my welfare dues
On the Streets of the city
Nothins forgiven
way down in the city No way for livin
In a dream I am standing by
the freeway
hitching a ride
further down the road I see a thousand or more
all in the same line
i realise the world is drivin by
familiar faces waving goodbye
On the Streets of the city
Nothins forgiven
way down in the city No way for livin
all alone on a carousel
in and out of the shadows
round and round it goes
thats how it goes
On the Streets of the city
Nothins forgiven
way down in the city No way for livin
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
8. Today (m.hanrahan)
The end of a relationship is
never easy and two friends of mine recently realised that they had nothing
more in common. Nothing left to say of any importance.
I deliberately abandoned the idea of a chorus thinking it inappropriate
to be somehow celebrating the end of love. Well, not in my opinion anyway
and certainly not for this song. Sonnys production and string arrangements
and Steves guitar offer the perfect substitute for a chorus. I also
like the vocal on this track.
so lonely now behind these
nothing left for us to say
what a lie it is weve come to live
thats how it is today
weve been down this road
for far too long weve lived that way
all that love how could it come to this
but thats how it is today
we could carry on like nothins
trade the hurt and share the pain
but theres no more future now that love has gone
thats how it is today
when the clouds all dissapear
maybe then we can recall
all those memories we hide away
maybe we will find them, maybe then
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
9. From The Blue (shea
The ballad of Mell and Colly.
Two characters created and brought to life in Killarney at an IMRO song
writing collaboration. I love the sense in this song. No matter how bad
it gets there is always a way out and the closer Mell and Colly stay together
the further they can travel and achieve all they desire. Thats how
it should be. We had such a great time writing this song. Shea came from
a totally different angle and most of the time thats great for songs.
mell and colly
walking by the ocean
kickin up the sand
down to the dunes
where lovers often spend
lazy sunday afternoons
her eyes fill with tears
as she thinks about the years
all the things they should have done
now the time has come
take me away
where we can stay
so far away
from the blue
mell and colly
lay down by the water
to watch the stars collide
then he takes her by the hand
says I can understand
this fear we keep inside
take a look along that empty shore
if we walk that lonely road
Ill pick you up when you fall down
youll be there when I fall down
take me away
where we can stay
so far away
from the blue
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
10. Indians and Aliens
(eamon murray/m.hanrahan)
Another song from the Killarney
session. This song is about prejudice. In this case the character is the
victim of his education. The song is littered with images of my youth.
At School, we had a safe state education, which hardly prepared us for
the real world. To teach tolerance has to be the ultimate goal in education.
If given the chance people will realise that Indians and Aliens are equally
as good as the John Waynes and Luke Skywalkers of this world. Again Eamon
had a totally different slant on writing, which was good to work with.
I really enjoyed playing guitar to Siards fiddle on this track. Siard
and I play regularly in Holland and we have so many magical musical moments
on stage.
he was a simple man
who loved star wars and john wayne
lived in a little house
a little down and out
that was his way
nightmared on geronimo
and the empires of doom
all alone in a little town
all he ever knew
was indians and aliens
indians and aliens
indians and aliens
comin for me and you
when the day came
with the sad tale of a wounded knee
he read about the cherokee
and the chocktaw trail of tears
he ran all the way down
to the school house by a river
burnin down the memories
of all who ever lived there
singin indians and aliens
indians and aliens
indians and aliens
are comin for me and you
at the infirmary
he grows a little older day by day
and in the evenin by the window
he sits and stares
later on he sings his songs
of warriors and war
some say now hes too far gone
so the world moves on
how the world moves on
while indians and aliens
indians and aliens
indians and aliens
indians and aliens
indians and aliens keep comin for me and you
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
11. Away From Love (m.hanrahan)
Hotel rooms are lonely places
some times and this song helped to pass away the hours somewhere far away
from love on a cold wet winter evening in Hamburg. I like the sound on
the acoustic guitar and this track is a nice way to finish the album or
CD or whatever.
from my hotel room
I see that old blue moon
on a winter sky
then the rain falls
just like a waterfall
so I close my eyes
I think of you yeah yeah
you and I yeah yeah
away from love
were so far away far far away from love
were so far away so far away from love
my imagination runs
like a river flowin on and on
to the ocean wide
we laugh a lot
and love a lot
and wonder why we ever
felt so far apart yeah yeah
you and I yeah yeah
away from love
were so far away far far away from love
were so far away so far away from love
were so far away far
far away from love
were so far away so far away from love
from a hotel room
I see that old blue moon
on a winter sky
I think of you yeah yeah
you and I yeah yeah
away from love
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
Crooked Rose Stocktons Wing
There's a Cloud hanging over you
Can't find shelter from the rain
And a shadow follows you.
You don't even know its name
It stalls and it moves as you move
but it won't cry
It won't cry when you cry like the rain
No one cries when you cry like the rain
When you cry like the rain
There was something tired and weary in the voice
That called to say hello
A once loving heart it seems
Turned cold as stone
The promise and the dream
Have suddenly run dry
and you cry
I hear you cry when you cry like the rain
No one cries when you cry like the rain
When you cry like the rain
There's a world of fools for lovin'
And some fools get through from time to time
When trouble stirs the water then some fools
Run away and hide.
And right or wrong for whatever reason why
Some fools cry
I hear one cry when you cry like the rain
No one cries when you cry like the rain
I hear you cry when you cry like the rain
No one cries when you cry like the rain
When you cry like the rain.
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
Oh mamma take a look out on your fields
Can you see them tearing down your trees
What can it all mean
Oh mamma is there nothing you can do
You tell me that your fighting days are through
There must be something you can do
It must have been heaven when you smiled
It must have been heaven when you smiled
Have you heard the mother crying in the east
Heaven knows in the name of some liberty
Her children lay dying
All over the world we hear her voice of rage
From the Stepps to the streets of Washington
Can you hear her mamma
It must have been heaven when you smiled,
It must have been heaven when you smiled.
Oh mamma take a walk out on your fields
We've destroyed all the things you'll need
No use in denying
Oh mamma is there nothing you can do
You tell me your fighting days are through
Tell me how much longer
It must have been heaven when you smiled
It must have been heaven when you smiled
It must have been heaven when you smiled
It must have been heaven when you smiled.
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
ANGEL Mike Hanrahan
/ Peter Keenan.
When love shines a light on you it takes you in
Nestled, warm and tender
And the memory of the tears
Simply fades away
And you lie in a place of wonder
She's an angle she moves me she sees the child in me
Won't abandon me
My angle how you move me
You see the child in me shine a light on me
My angle.
Moving down the open road
Let it all unfold
There's a warm breeze in our eyes
And the words we'd thought to hide
Somehow they seem so right
As we lie in a place of wonder
She's an angle she moves me she sees the child in me
Won't abandon me
My angle how you move me
You see the child in me shine a light on me
My angle
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
BLACK HILL Mike Hanrahan
Her Purple dress in slight decay
Winter weaving its weary tale
Outside swallows fly
Moving out on a twilight sky
He takes her hand and says close your eyes
You've got to leave it all behind
Brush your past with a silent ease
Let me take you where you want to be
Once upon the black hill you will
Look out on a field of dreams
Let it take you far away from here
Once upon the black hill you will remain
She moves closer to the open door
Looking back on the life I've known
I'm tired she says now I know
Life could be giving me a whole lot more
Once upon the black hill you will
Look out on a field of dreams
Let it take you far away from here
Once upon the black hill you will remain
Once upon the black hill you will
Look out on a field of dreams
Let it take you far away from here
Once upon the black hill you will remain
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
Mike Hanrahan,
In the cold winter chill of a city in sleep
He lies helpless no more than a boy
Living on the fast lane he's on his last train
Going out alone
And how the world loves a fool
Who's breaking all the rules
As he contemplates making his move
Reaching for the stars without ever knowing where they are
Who can really say for sure
Just a little boy chasing down a rainbow
Looking for the easy way out
Just another boy chasing down a rainbow
He's not chasing now
And who will say farewell to you my little one
Who will say a prayer for you
You got caught up in the web when you had so much more to tell
You let it all go by
Just a little boy chasing down a rainbow
Looking for the easy way out
Just another boy chasing down a rainbow
He's not chasing now
In each and every way we are victim to our own lives
Who knows what its all about
We're thinking like it should be but living in the way it is
No easy way out
Just a little boy chasing down a rainbow
Looking for the easy way out
Just another boy chasing down a rainbow
He's not chasing now
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
/ Maurice Lennon
I'm dreaming down that old dirt road
I'm dreaming now of home sweet home
Rolling hills on a wild western shore
Take me home lonesome road
Here in a city I'm drenched with rain
I roam the sidewalks I'm hungry again
Out on the edge but I'm not alone
Living out my life sleeping on stone
So I'm dreaming down that old dirt road
I'm dreaming now of home sweet home
Rolling hills on a wild western shore
Take me home lonesome road
For a crime of rage they put me away
For seven years and for seven I had to stay
As cold as hell in a cell by a raging sea
With a howling wind to comfort me
I'm dreaming down that old dirt road
I'm dreaming now of home sweet home
Those rolling hills on a wild western shore
Please take me home lonesome road
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
Beautiful Affair Mike Hanrahan
When you feel like laying low
And the mountains seem no closer than before
And you wonder why
You know in your mind it does no good to hide
and the only way is living to survive
It makes you feel alive
See all the doors swing open
your lifes unfolding before your very eyes
such a strange affair
Walk in around come into the sound
forget your down feel the air
beautiful affair
There comes a time when you look around
and you see the ocean rise before your eyes
showing no surprise
so you make you way down to the shore
and you climb aboard and give your self a smile
it makes you feel alive
Then all the doors swing open
your lifes unfolding before your very eyes
such a strange affair
Walk in around come into the sound
forget your down feel the air
beautiful affair
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
We Had it All
We Had It All words/music Mike Hanrahan Hannah Music
There's a sailor gone to sea only he knows how it feels
as he bids a fond farewell to all his kin
as he walks along the shore to his love he throws a rose
I'll return again in winter or in spring
we had it all we had the best of times
we had a life that dreams are made of
Where the sun melts the sky
a soldier standing by
his eyes they cannot hide that lonesome tale
threre's a photograph of home the smell of sweet cologne
on words of love for ever and a day
we had it all we had the best of times
we had a life that dreams are made of
at the station she boards a train wet with tears and rain
and a father holds a mothers empty hand
she whispers as she goes ,of all the things you need to know
what I have I hold forever in my heart
we had it all we had the best of times
we had a life that dreams are made of
On an old country lane
where the wilderness still reigns
an old man takes a flower in his hand
How I've watched you bloom and fade and all the beauty you create
I'll take with me that pleasure as we part
we had it all we had the best of times
we had a life that dreams are made of
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
I can hear a lonely minstrel
On a crowded street
No one stands to listen
They just turn and look discreet
See him with his head held high
The music starts to flow
He can hear a distant cry
Reaching out to know
We walk away
Talk away
Looking for someone to blame
Feeling fine singing a line
I can see no other way
Walk away
The artist on the pavement
Has a burning wish inside
I can hear the echo linger
She must be denied
Yet beneath her ragged feet
Lies a mirror of their live
She can smile as they pass by
A fool to the eye
We walk away
Talk away
Looking for someone to blame
Feeling fine singing a line
I can see no other way
Walk away
M.Hanrahan 1979 IMRO/MCPS
As the Evenin Rolls The noise it grows
Life is busy out on the street
You Stand a while with a vacant smile
Lookin for a face you would like to meet
Would you take a chance Meet me wherever you please
Leave your cares for awhile
If we could walk the miles that keep us apart
Then we could free these dreams locked inside
You always said we'd meet again
You never wanted to be alone
Well right now my heart feels like a brand new start
Waiting to call you to my home
Would you take a chance Meet me wherever you please
Leave your cares for awhile
If we could walk the miles that keep us apart
Then we could free these dreams locked inside
Who is that I see A stranger to me
Standing real close to you
I can't complain No It was always my game
I've lost a lot by losing you
Would you take a chance Meet me wherever you please
Leave your cares for awhile
If we could walk the miles that keep us apart
Then we could free these dreams locked inside
to Top - Crooked Rose Index
Copyright © Mike
Hanrahan 2019 |